Talking Heads: ‘Start ahead’ policy delivers M2M pollution control and opens new markets for ClearConnex

Ryan Rangel has been in the M2M industry for a number of years, most recently as president of ClearConnex, a software engineering firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Here, M2M Now talks to him about the ClearConnex ‘start-ahead finishahead’ philosophy and how this benefits customers.

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Talking Heads: Bigger players now embracing One Stop Shops, says Telit, to enhance customer experience

It’s been a long time coming, says Dominikus Hierl, but the ‘App-ification’ of M2M is leading Industrial Internet providers to adopt a One Stop Shop approach. So, M2M Now asks Telit’s CMO why it’s only happening now and whether mobile network operators (MNOs) will join in.

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