How can you ensure end-to-end interoperability between products and services?

In July Actility, a provider of low power wide area (LPWA) networking and the company behind the ThingPark LPWA IoT platform, launched the ThingPark Approved programme. Actility also welcomed the first partners to achieve ThingPark Approved status. Here, Jeremy Cowan of IoT Now asks Christophe Francois, the vice president of Ecosystem at Actility, how to

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Telenor Connexion’s IoT analytics and management is a work of ARTS

Telenor Connexion is making a major play in the Internet of Things data analytics market, with the launch of a platform that makes sure IoT networks do the things they are supposed to do, Antony Savvas finds out more.

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Delivering value and monetisation in an Internet of Things environment

The design of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions are strongly context aware, service-oriented focused, and multidisciplinary.

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Device Management in the Internet of Things Vision – The approach of Wind River

There have been several predictions about the increasing number of connected devices but, regardless of the disparity, it’s clear the move is towards fully connected contexts.

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Leveraging streetlights to power innovative distributed IoT platforms for Smart Cities

Ensuring a sustainable quality of life in cities is both a great challenge and a great opportunity. Worldwide, every day, about one million people move to live in cities and, by 2050, an estimated 70% of the global population will live in an urban environment.

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Growing the IoT market through partnerships

Since its formation in 2012, Tele2’s IoT division has taken a different approach to other telecoms operators with global ambitions in IoT. Tele2’s focus is on providing capabilities to customers and partners, rather than owning the entire value chain for solutions. Tom Rebbeck, Research Director at Analysys Mason talks to Ingrid Wistrand and Rami Avidan,

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Introducing LPWA Public Service Categories: matching services to applications

A new report just published by Beecham Research: ‘An Introduction to LPWA Public Service Categories: Matching Services to IoT Applications’, proposes creating service categories for different types of providers of LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) public services. The aim is to make it possible for enterprise users to match the applications that they want to

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The Eurotech Ethos: data – the strategic element for an ecosystembased, service-rich Internet of Things

Awareness of the transformational power of the IoT vision is spreading among the traditional M2M community, with new players entering the IoT space, organisations of all types adopting or planning to adopt an IoT strategy, and policy-makers and regulators increasingly recognising its potential social and economic impact. This momentum doesn’t just involve innovation in technological

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LPWA – the ‘Things’ finally get their own networks

After you’ve been in this industry for a while, you start to learn to trust your nose when it comes to new technologies, writes IoT Now magazine’s editor, Alun Lewis. Exposed to the usual hype, disinformation and vapourware, it’s all too easy to become sceptical – even cynical – about many claims that are made.

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Profiting from the IoT surge: the view from the front line of service innovation

There’s no doubt that debate about the IoT and its direction has risen from being a specialist subject to near the top of the boardroom agenda for many companies in just a few years. Amongst all the white noise, death-by-powerpoint presentations and sometimes desperate posturing by peripheral vendors to generate IoT-relevant marketing, it’s sometimes difficult

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Stream Technologies evolves IoT-X for LPWA subscription management

It seems a widely-held opinion that Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks – and in particular LoRa – look set to take the IoT world by storm. This could be just as well, given the predicted huge number of IoT sensors and devices that will be connected over the next few years and the resulting ‘data tsunami’.

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C-Level Video Interview: Enabling M2M solutions – Addressing a fragmented market

Latest analyst reports show that the M2M market was not that fast growing in 2011 as it was expected by many market observers.

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