Zaragoza, Spain. 4 October 2022 - Smart cities are still very much in their infancy but have the potential to…
By 2050, 70% of the world’s population will live in smart cities. For them to flourish we need to make…
Join this friendly and informative conversation on Monday, October 10th, 2022, at 3pm UK with Alicia Asín, CEO and co-founder…
China and Paris, 21 September 2022 - Milesight, the AIoT solution provider, and Actility, the world specialist in IoT connectivity solutions, announced a partnership…
Berlin, 12 July 2022 - FIWARE Foundation, the non-profit organisation that encourages the adoption of open standards implemented using Open Source…
People talk about smart cities. But interconnected services are not just for Cities are they? How do we ensure a…
You don’t choose a life partner for their hair colour You don’t choose a home because it has nice curtains…
IoT Now Magazine (ISSN 2397-2807) explores the evolving opportunities and challenges facing CSPs across this sector. Our exclusive interviews pass on…
One of the well-rehearsed challenges about smart cities is that this is not a single application. Where most IoT deployments…
Funny things, cities. After wandering out of Africa around one hundred thousand years ago, our ancestors seem to have been…
Cities have to be resilient, ever-evolving places for trade and the smart use of IoT technologies can help cities maximise…
Half of all humanity now lives within an urban environment. (more…)
Every day in publications such as M2M Now, we can read of new, exciting and useful M2M services emerging within…