Not all “things” are equal – critical infrastructure needs a dedicated network

The term “Internet of Things” covers a wide variety of different connected devices. At Mobile World Congress this year, these ‘things’ being exhibited included thermostats, warehouse technology, wearables, and even the ubiquitious connected fridge.

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Leveraging streetlights to power innovative distributed IoT platforms for Smart Cities

Ensuring a sustainable quality of life in cities is both a great challenge and a great opportunity. Worldwide, every day, about one million people move to live in cities and, by 2050, an estimated 70% of the global population will live in an urban environment.

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Ericsson – Enabling the transformational power of the IoT vision

Ericsson is intrinsically linked to the history of telecommunications. Since Lars Magnus Ericsson established the company in 1876, each step of both the evolution of the telecommunications market and the technological history of telecommunications have been defined by the presence of Ericsson.

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Profiting from the IoT surge: the view from the front line of service innovation

There’s no doubt that debate about the IoT and its direction has risen from being a specialist subject to near the top of the boardroom agenda for many companies in just a few years. Amongst all the white noise, death-by-powerpoint presentations and sometimes desperate posturing by peripheral vendors to generate IoT-relevant marketing, it’s sometimes difficult

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Stream Technologies evolves IoT-X for LPWA subscription management

It seems a widely-held opinion that Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks – and in particular LoRa – look set to take the IoT world by storm. This could be just as well, given the predicted huge number of IoT sensors and devices that will be connected over the next few years and the resulting ‘data tsunami’.

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M2M: Get connected, stay connected

M2M Now talks to Wyless’s Steve Boyd, Director of Network Services and Art Nava, Technical Services Director about their M2M strategy and tactics.

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