Avanci expands 4G coverage to over 80 auto brands

Avanci announced that more than 100 million connected vehicles sold by more than 80 automotive brands are covered by an Avanci license, and that it predicts an additional 30-40 million connected vehicles to be licensed in the next year. Having licensed the majority of patented 2G, 3G, and 4G cellular technologies to the majority of

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PCTEL receives regulatory European certification for new industrial IoT radio module

Bloomingdale, Ill. 7 July 2022 – PCTEL, Inc., a global provider of wireless technology solutions, announced receipt of the Declaration of Conformity in Europe for their IoT Radio Module.

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The IoT data deluge in industry and manufacturing

“Effective data storage management is a critical component of the IoT ecosystem,” says David Keegan, Group CEO of DataQube Global. Internet of Things (IoT), from a top-level standpoint, refers to a network of physical devices such as embedded sensors, driverless vehicles, smartphones/tablets, wearables, or home appliances, that create and share information without human intervention. Even though

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There are some choices in life you HAVE to get right!

You don’t choose a life partner for their hair colour You don’t choose a home because it has nice curtains You don’t choose a Business Platform for its logo

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IoT Now Magazine December-January 2018

IoT Now Magazine (ISSN 2397-2793) explores the evolving opportunities and challenges facing CSPs across this sector. Our exclusive interviews pass on the key lessons learned by industry leaders in next gen Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) services.

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Skip the scary stories and focus on what you need to secure in manufacturing IoT

Security issues in the connected and PC-dominated world are nothing new. With thousands of IoT devices connected every year, companies and security providers have increased their  understanding of how to deal with new threats.

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Customers want a horizontal network platform for multiple use cases instead of dedicated connectivity for vertical silos

Matt Bacon is marketing and communications director at Actility. Here he discusses with Rickard Andersson, an analyst at research firm, Berg Insight, which industries are set to be transformed by the industrial IoT (IIoT) and the mainstream arrival of low power wireless network technologies.

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8th Future of Wireless International Conference focuses on boardroom impact of connected world

Now in its 8th year, the 2016 Future of Wireless International Conference will turn its attention to the boardroom and explore how industry leaders are planning to transform and build new business models to harness a world with ubiquitous wireless.

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Service-centric network optimisation

Economies of scale and greater technology choices present Internet of Things (IoT) service providers with more options to ensure quality of service and optimise their IoT networks, writes George Malim.

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