Internet of Things – from Things to Outcomes

Nayaki Nayyar, Global Head IoT and Innovation GMT, SAP discusses: – Why is IoT such an important part of the digital transformation of business – What is SAP’s IoT offering? – An example of customers who are partnering with SAP in their IoT journey

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Encouraging partners to harness the IoT in earnest

Charles Kriete, Chief Revenue Officer, Wyless discusses: – Is security really a major inhibitor in the uptake of IoT? – How Wyless is answering the costs in downtime for a business – Where is Wyless heading with SaaS?

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Securing the IoT – the Gemalto strategies

Robin Duke-Woolley of Beecham Research speak to Gemalto about the technologies driving the IoT at the moment, securing from edge to core by clever design and how to take care of business prosperity whilst delivering all of the above.

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What is the u-blox offering for the Internet of Things?

Nic Papadopoulus, President of ublox’s US operation introduces the company’s latest IoT product set and the markets it is focusing on for the coming year.

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LTE – the challenges and the opportunities

LTE presents both a challenge as well as a huge opportunity for both IoT companies and their customers. New standards continue to emerge, some specifically focused on supporting M2M applications, while debate over spectrum availability and allocations continues in many countries.

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Heterogeneous is the new Black

How companies can leverage multi-network connectivity for their devices

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Empowering businesses to realise the full potential of the Internet of Things (IoT)

Mike Coffey, President and CEO, Wyless discusses: – The Wyless emphasis on customer focus & delivery – Enabling customers to securely control their own destinies – Wyless & the developing world of IoT

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How IoT for business will impact the global economy

Michael Lynch, Internet of Things Global Co-Lead, SAP discusses: – What is SAP’s vision for the Internet of Things? – How IoT for business will impact the global economy – The key focus points for new IoT companies

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The hype around wearables, separating fact from fiction

Jeremy Cowan, Editorial Director of M2M Now, shares his thoughts on which wearables look likely to take-off and those that seem more marketing hype than players for mass consumer adoption.

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The critical issue of security in IoT

Norbert Muhrer, Senior Vice President M2M of Gemalto, discusses how vital security is within the IoT and where he, and his customers, feel the market is going.

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What technology innovations are driving IoT and M2M

An overview of Gemalto’s on-demand connectivity technology.

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Where to next for the Internet of Things?

Jeremy Cowan, editorial director of M2M Now, looks at what lies in store in 2015 for the Internet of Things.

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Stream Technologies’ ‘fascinating journey’ told on video ahead of MWC

We are just five days away from the biggest event of the year, Mobile World Congress 2015. Nigel Chadwick speaks about how Stream Technologies got to where it is today and on ‘The Future of Stream Technologies and IoT-XTM’ as the team prepares to head out to MWC for the fifth year running.

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Smart hotel rooms of the future

Caesars Entertainment Collaborates with WeChat and Ayla Networks to Showcase Hotel Rooms of the Future and an example of IoT in hospitality.

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What impact will enterprises becoming M2M savvy have on the marketplace?

Pat Verrington, VP of emerging markets & services, gives his opinion on the challenges that Enterprise CIOs face when looking to tackle global M2M deployments.

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The importance of strategic relationships in the M2M sector

Kelly Gay of Numerex, speaks to Beecham Research about the impact that the increasing number of strategic relationships are having on the broader M2M market and looks in detail at their recent acquisition of Omnilink

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