Growing out the ‘smart bubbles’ of LPWA connectivity

Any observer of the relationships between business and technology over the years will recognise those slightly awkward periods between the first emergence of a new technological concept and its eventual acceptance as a part of everyday life.

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LPWA – broadening the spectrum of choice

The technology behind the IoT, despite the inevitable hype, still needs a lot of development work done before our experience becomes truly immersive and ubiquitous. The hype, however, is largely being generated by the ‘look at all the wonderful things we can do with our clever sensors’ camp who seem to be ignoring the fact

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LTE-M – clarity on the path ahead

Freedom of choice is a wonderful thing – until you have to make a critical decision that’s going to affect your life – or your business – for years to come. Until recently, the range of wide area connectivity technologies for M2M and IoT applications was largely limited to cellular, satellite and WiFi. The last

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Diversity and sensitivity – the business of antenna design, from Taoglas perspective

If there’s one often overused – and sometimes abused – word that sums up the last few decades of human history then it’s diversity. Advances in transport and communications technologies have brought widely different people, places, ideas and cultures into close proximity with one another. Moves from mass manufacturing to just-in-time techniques have also driven

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Platforms – simplifying the infinitely complex

It’s all too easy for a rapidly emerging technology sector to get caught up in its own particular world. As companies rush to establish their place in what was once just a blank space on the map, aggressively promoting their own particular visions and product strategies, potential customers can become confused by a blizzard of

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Platforms for profitable partnering: The perspective from Stream

Amongst the noise and bustle of the recent CTIA show in Las Vegas, Robin Duke-Woolley, CEO of Beecham Research, sat down with Stream Technologies CTO Alan Tait and CMO Lawrence Latham to get an update on how one of the pioneers of the IoT is now supporting a fast changing and ever more multifaceted marketplace.

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Bringing the power of real-time analytics out to the edge – and sorting out the centre

One industry phrase prevalent at the end of the last century described the telecommunications explosion as creating a ‘network of networks’.

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NFC: Where’s it come from and where’s it going?

An exclusive conversation with the inventors of NFC.

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Vast data – new tools needed to create new realities

It’s clear to any observer of our industry that its focus is fast shifting away from connectivity and towards the very acute issue of what exactly we’re going to do with all the data that we can now collect and analyse, writes M2M Now’s Alun Lewis. As a result, attention is concentrating on the role

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Building the YouTopia – after all, it’s where most of us will end up living

Funny things, cities. After wandering out of Africa around one hundred thousand years ago, our ancestors seem to have been perfectly happy existing in hunter-gatherer communities until something like 7000 years ago, writes M2M Now’s Alun Lewis.

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The ‘other’ vital SaaS – Simplicity as a Service

There’s always a danger when you get too closely involved in any new technology movement that you can be accused of ‘having drunk too deeply of the Kool Aid’. For the IoT sector of sectors – an accurate term given its huge and continually growing diversity – those early visions are now turning into commercial

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To IoT and beyond: Connecting the internet of things with mesh technology

The Internet of Things (IoT) isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a technological trend that is becoming extremely prevalent in the world we live. The IoT market is expected to grow at a rate of 31.72% from 2014-2019. The exponential pick up of IoT is largely due to newly developed technologies that have allowed connected

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Q&A – What you didn’t know about the Internet of Things

What exactly is the Internet of Things (IoT) and why is it important to business?

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Creating an Uber model for IoT – Stream shares the vision

That almost all new technologies eventually come to subvert the established order is clearly evident for anyone looking at the last few decades of history. Soon most humans on the planet will own the equivalent of a 1980s supercomputer – a smartphone – and businesses will increasingly benefit from advanced applications and services through cloud-based

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Connecting the Enterprise to the Edge

Boundaries – whether in the physical world or the digital one – are always problematic. Countless conflicts over the centuries have revolved around inappropriate or inaccurate lines drawn on maps; restrictions on goods or people crossing those boundaries; or subversive challenges to established frontiers. Over recent years, convergence technologies have seriously eroded many types of boundaries in both our public

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How the Internet of Things is transforming the boardroom

As telecoms services have moved away from basic voice and data to become all-pervasive aids, supporting new ways of living and working, it’s increasingly important that the industry itself embraces and adapts to human challenges implicit in this technology revolution. In particular, it has to find ways to learn from the new generation of female pioneers in management and engineering

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