8th Future of Wireless International Conference focuses on boardroom impact of connected world

Now in its 8th year, the 2016 Future of Wireless International Conference will turn its attention to the boardroom and explore how industry leaders are planning to transform and build new business models to harness a world with ubiquitous wireless.

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Finalists of the 4th IoT / M2M Innovation World Cup announced

It has been a tough evaluation process for the international expert jury of the IoT / M2M Innovation World Cup 2015/16, but the best and most innovative companies have now been selected.

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Gemalto Cat 1 LTE connectivity solution wins ‘Most Innovative Application’ award

Gemalto has won the Most Innovative LTE Application and Service Award for its Cinterion® Cat 1 LTE wireless module.

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Shifting our IoT perspective: what’s Maslow got to do with the IoT?

Now is an exciting time to be in the Internet of Things (IoT) space with innovation and growth abounding. Unfortunately, this has led to confusing messages for the average consumer. Technology seems to lead to discussions around the IoT and, while techies rejoice, real consumers seem confused. As an industry – with a few notable

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The role of wearable technologies in enterprises

The recent news that the seven millionth Apple Watch has been sold raises critical questions for the smart watch community – and the wearable consumer device community more generally, writes Saverio Romeo, principal analyst at Beecham Research. Apple has shown once again that taking a multidisciplinary view of consumer products is key to transforming a

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Antennas – squeezing the maximum value out of your spectrum

So you want to design and deploy networks of wireless IoT devices? Sounds simple in theory; you just connect them to the network. But what network, and how? By their very nature, IoT devices are small, have low power capabilities, and will most likely be sited in the most challenging environments for radio propagation, writes

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The role of the IoT in the future of the emergency services

Many Smart City projects going on around the world at present also have a corresponding ‘Safe City’ angle to them and, given the budgetary pressures that many emergency service providers are under at present, there are important roles that the IoT – and the data that it produces – have to play in improving both

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Welcome back, we’ve changed a bit. How about you?

You turn your back for a few hours and look what happens! The things you’ve come to rely on – like M2M Now – change. Welcome to IoT Now.

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The role of academia in IoT security – a rear view mirror into the future?

When it comes to the security of the IoT, it makes sense to look for allies and, just as Bletchley Park did during WW2 to crack the Enigma code, where better to go than academia, writes IoT Now’s editor, Alun Lewis. Cooperation between industry and academia might not always go smoothly, but when it does,

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LPWA – broadening the spectrum of choice

The technology behind the IoT, despite the inevitable hype, still needs a lot of development work done before our experience becomes truly immersive and ubiquitous. The hype, however, is largely being generated by the ‘look at all the wonderful things we can do with our clever sensors’ camp who seem to be ignoring the fact

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Smart cities, eHealth and automotive are the focus for Comarch’s IoT platform and tools

One of the well-rehearsed challenges about smart cities is that this is not a single application. Where most IoT deployments draw on the skills of one industry, smart cities must connect and integrate diverse business groups. For that you need particular platform and integration skills.

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Platforms – simplifying the infinitely complex

It’s all too easy for a rapidly emerging technology sector to get caught up in its own particular world. As companies rush to establish their place in what was once just a blank space on the map, aggressively promoting their own particular visions and product strategies, potential customers can become confused by a blizzard of

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Platforms for profitable partnering: The perspective from Stream

Amongst the noise and bustle of the recent CTIA show in Las Vegas, Robin Duke-Woolley, CEO of Beecham Research, sat down with Stream Technologies CTO Alan Tait and CMO Lawrence Latham to get an update on how one of the pioneers of the IoT is now supporting a fast changing and ever more multifaceted marketplace.

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Connectivity analytics: More valuable than application analytics?

To say that application or sensor data analytics is a key focus right now in the M2M/IoT market is a statement of the obvious. Everyone, it seems, is focused on the value that can be created by gathering enormous amounts of application and sensor-related data.

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To IoT and beyond: Connecting the internet of things with mesh technology

The Internet of Things (IoT) isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a technological trend that is becoming extremely prevalent in the world we live. The IoT market is expected to grow at a rate of 31.72% from 2014-2019. The exponential pick up of IoT is largely due to newly developed technologies that have allowed connected

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Q&A – What you didn’t know about the Internet of Things

What exactly is the Internet of Things (IoT) and why is it important to business?

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