Assuring quality of service in M2M and IoT connectivity

Despite being a key building block of any wider machine-to-machine solution, there are important differences between M2M connectivity services and traditional mobile services that need careful consideration as these, by definition, can’t provide human feedback. On top of this, many M2M users need global connectivity, which in turn involves international roaming partners.

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Service-centric network optimisation

Economies of scale and greater technology choices present Internet of Things (IoT) service providers with more options to ensure quality of service and optimise their IoT networks, writes George Malim.

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Connectivity analytics: More valuable than application analytics?

To say that application or sensor data analytics is a key focus right now in the M2M/IoT market is a statement of the obvious. Everyone, it seems, is focused on the value that can be created by gathering enormous amounts of application and sensor-related data.

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Assuring quality of service in M2M and IoT connectivity

Despite being a key building block of any wider machine-to-machine solution, there are important differences between M2M connectivity services and traditional mobile services that need careful consideration as these, by definition, can’t provide human feedback. On top of this, many M2M users need global connectivity, which in turn involves international roaming partners.

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Building smarter cities with low power radio networks

Cities have to be resilient, ever-evolving places for trade and the smart use of IoT technologies can help cities maximise their economies of scale.

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LTE – bringing a new spectrum of opportunities for M2M and IoT

LTE presents both a challenge as well as a huge opportunity for both IoT companies and their customers. New standards continue to emerge, some specifically focused on supporting M2M applications, while debate over spectrum availability and allocations continues in many countries.

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The smart city has already begun

Half of all humanity now lives within an urban environment.

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Orchestrating the next wave of IoT innovation

The IoT sector is reaching an important second stage in its evolution.

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Eliminating vulnerabilities from M2M device manufacturing

With the recent release of the US Federal Trade Commission’s report on IoT device security, now is the time to start evaluating the security of devices themselves, says Don Schleede, information security officer at Digi International. This obviously includes how they are manufactured.

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We must settle consumer fears about the Security of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is already revolutionising consumers’ lives. Smart meters and thermostats are reducing energy bills while wearable technologies are helping to make us healthier. But, for IoT to truly take off, Sean Lorenz at LogMeIn believes the industry needs to allay consumer fears about security.

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‘The Internet of Things that Really Matter’

The Internet of Things (IoT) has enormous potential with countless companies from many different sectors now applying their creativity. Dramatic falls in the cost of wireless communications, computing and sensors are all combining to make it feasible to “wire things together over the Internet”. While many products are targeted at the consumer market where price is key, there’s also

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The Internet of Things equation: IT + OT = Success

As an IT company, Oracle might have a lot of credibility with over 400,000 customers. However, when working with customers on Internet of Things (IoT) engagements in Industrial Automation (IA), it’s very typical for them to wonder why I’m there, says Dave Hofert. While we do have products such as Java that run on devices, a lot of our

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The Glass Boardroom: A brave new world

The Internet of Things is changing the dynamics of how corporate management works. One example of this, writes Oozi Cats, CEO at Telit Communications PLC, is allowing the older style, traditional graphs and charts – based on months-old data – to be replaced by dynamically assembled dashboards of business context, synthesised in real time with interactive, big data analysis

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Big data meets fleet management

Telit’s GE865-Quad GSM/GPRS module delivers fleet data to Mexico’s largest beverage distributor. Analysing the results facilitated the decision to restructure the delivery process. Mike Ueland explains how the value was uncovered.

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Accelerate M2M and the IoT with on-demand connectivity

Gemalto’s Benoit Jouffrey says these are exciting times in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) marketplace because of a variety of innovations including selfdriving vehicles, car-sharing applications, smart office solutions and more. In fact, the sector has witnessed enormous growth in M2M connections of nearly 40% year over year according to the latest report from the GSMA. However, although

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The Internet of Things creates revolutionary changes in the applications of M2M

One-to-one connectivity between vehicles, drivers and the office via cellular and satellite networks has been made a reality by the Internet of Things. Here, Craig Montgomery explains how tracking and management technology has enabled fleets to become more efficient and fight back against mounting cost pressures.

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