Organisations look to back end and device security to survive, thrive and achieve compliance in IoT

As IoT deployments accelerate, an area of growing concern is security. The likelihood of billions of additional connections and the proliferation of endpoint devices in the form of IoT modules, sensors and other equipment is radically increasing the threat surface that organisations need to defend, writes Dr Mihai Voicu

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Secure the IoT through best practice-based design

The Internet of Things (IoT) vision can become reality, enabling the large spectrum of opportunities the industry is imagining, only if it is designed with a security-centric framework. Security is the indispensable prerequisite for the development of the IoT. This sentiment is shared by the entire IoT community, from the IoT solution and technology providers

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Low power connections open up powerful options for enterprise IoT

As low power wide area (LPWA) radio technologies and LoRa WAN in particular start to take off organisations are benefiting from wider connectivity choices and reduced barriers to entry. These new connectivity options are vital to stimulate further utilisation of IoT, Stream Technologies’ Mohsen Shakoor and Niall Strachan tell George Malim

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Smart energy helps consumers save money, energy providers make money and companies achieve compliance

Smart energy relies on Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to change the consumption habits of users and enable energy providers to gain efficiencies while boosting their environmental credentials, writes Emmanuel Maçon-Dauxerre.

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Why solving device interoperability is critical to the success of VoLTE

VoLTE has already proven to be a success, at least in terms of market penetration, writes Robert Eriksson. An ever-growing number of communications service provider (CSPs) have deployed VoLTE as a voice service overlay for their LTE networks, offering enhanced service quality.

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MultiTech – helping grow the LoRa ecosystem

MultiTech Systems, a founding member of the LoRa Alliance – and which will be exhibiting on the Alliance stand at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona – has been active in advancing a number of aspects of the LoRa technology, as well as developing new applications and business models. IoT Now contributor, Peter Dykes, spoke

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iManage™, a Numerex Solution, delivers cost savings to a large manufacturer via supply chain optimisation

The challenge An industry-leading manufacturing company with annual revenues in excess of $37B engages multiple suppliers to regularly ship containers to various manufacturing locations and to multiple supplier locations. To ensure the manufacturing supply chain process is not interrupted, containers are often required to be shipped on short notice. To keep these high value assets

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LPWA – the ‘Things’ finally get their own networks

After you’ve been in this industry for a while, you start to learn to trust your nose when it comes to new technologies, writes IoT Now magazine’s editor, Alun Lewis. Exposed to the usual hype, disinformation and vapourware, it’s all too easy to become sceptical – even cynical – about many claims that are made.

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Stream Technologies evolves IoT-X for LPWA subscription management

It seems a widely-held opinion that Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks – and in particular LoRa – look set to take the IoT world by storm. This could be just as well, given the predicted huge number of IoT sensors and devices that will be connected over the next few years and the resulting ‘data tsunami’.

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Unlocking the full potential of IoT through quality assurance

Achieving the kind of digital transformation required to implement a successful IoT initiative requires changes that must span the closely intertwined areas of strategy, processes and technology, breaking down traditional organisational and technical silos. Companies should closely examine every relevant area of their own business processes and commit to an ongoing plan of continuous improvement

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Security in remote healthcare

How to protect the patient’s data and identity in an increasingly digital world. Best practice advice from the Personal Connected Healthcare Alliance.

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Shifting our IoT perspective: what’s Maslow got to do with the IoT?

Now is an exciting time to be in the Internet of Things (IoT) space with innovation and growth abounding. Unfortunately, this has led to confusing messages for the average consumer. Technology seems to lead to discussions around the IoT and, while techies rejoice, real consumers seem confused. As an industry – with a few notable

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The role of wearable technologies in enterprises

The recent news that the seven millionth Apple Watch has been sold raises critical questions for the smart watch community – and the wearable consumer device community more generally, writes Saverio Romeo, principal analyst at Beecham Research. Apple has shown once again that taking a multidisciplinary view of consumer products is key to transforming a

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Antennas – squeezing the maximum value out of your spectrum

So you want to design and deploy networks of wireless IoT devices? Sounds simple in theory; you just connect them to the network. But what network, and how? By their very nature, IoT devices are small, have low power capabilities, and will most likely be sited in the most challenging environments for radio propagation, writes

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The role of the IoT in the future of the emergency services

Many Smart City projects going on around the world at present also have a corresponding ‘Safe City’ angle to them and, given the budgetary pressures that many emergency service providers are under at present, there are important roles that the IoT – and the data that it produces – have to play in improving both

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The role of academia in IoT security – a rear view mirror into the future?

When it comes to the security of the IoT, it makes sense to look for allies and, just as Bletchley Park did during WW2 to crack the Enigma code, where better to go than academia, writes IoT Now’s editor, Alun Lewis. Cooperation between industry and academia might not always go smoothly, but when it does,

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