Google to shut down Google Cloud IoT core in 2023: Damning verdict and advice from US analysts MachNation

Today, Google has announced that it’s shutting down Google Cloud IoT Core on August 16, 2023. According to Josh Taubenheim, MachNation‘s head IoT analyst, Google is doing this for two reasons.

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Building an intelligent IoT with edge fabric

As the popularity of Edge technology and smart devices increases, we see that there is no bar when it comes to the quantity of data that companies can use to improve their decision-making process. So says Yash Mehta, an IoT and big data science specialist. Contrary to this opportunity, many organisations still limit the quality,

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SASE and the risk of over-rationalising

Chief information security officers (CISOs) are being encouraged to build a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) migration plan to create a robust Zero Trust architecture, while also consolidating the security vendor suite. Yet, while the concept of single vendor SASE solutions may appear to meet goals for rationalising security costs and complexity, it creates untenable

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Smart metering: Load balancing leads to annual savings of almost £5,000 for a large UK bakery

Energy management is becoming an increasingly important component of business strategy for today’s FMCG companies, aimed largely at reducing energy costs, improving sustainability, and achieving ESG goals. According to the 2020 Deloitte Resources Study, half of industrial companies report incorporating energy management at the corporate strategy level, says Matthew Margetts, director of sales and marketing

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How will automotive IoT solutions modernise vehicles?

Internet of Things solutions is developing and becoming more advanced day by day while ensuring greater experience. We all know IoT has become part of almost every sector and has made an imprinting remark in the automotive industry, says Ritesh Sutaria of Prompt.

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SIKE attack: IoT cryptography in the quantum age

On July 30th, a paper was published revealing a devastating attack on the Post-Quantum Algorithm (PQA) SIKE. The algorithm was well-respected as a candidate for further study in the fourth round of the NIST PQA process. It was particularly favoured by large technology companies such as AWS, Cloudflare and Google who were experimenting with and

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The metaverse: A direction of travel rather than a destination?

The metaverse can perhaps best be described as a direction of travel, says Tran Hoang Giang, founding member of FPT Software akaChain, and founder and CEO of Aura Network. It’s a journey several major players in the software field have embarked upon and are in the process of investing very substantial sums of money in

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Why you can’t ignore building data management in 2022

The world around us is becoming increasingly connected, which has only been further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Building owners and developers are reimagining and transforming their premises to create healthy indoor environments and adopt building-centric IoT offerings.

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The ‘Clean Dozen’ solution areas that will help enterprises reduce their carbon footprint

Enterprises are increasingly focusing attention on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governmental) goals as a mechanism for improving their perception amongst investors, employees and other stakeholders. A key part relates to sustainability and the reduction of the organisation’s environmental impact. The application of new technologies, particularly the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, can have a

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Measuring surface roughness in turned parts

Traditionally, cylinder bores surfaces in cars were like the Himalayas lots of peaks and troughs. When piston rings went up and down, this would slice the tops of these off, so manufacturers made the bores tight to pre-empt this. Consequently, in the past motorists need to “run-in” their engine, limiting its speed for the first

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Connected workspaces: The final digital transformation hurdle

Connecting workforces and spaces have become a priority for many businesses as the dust settles on the pandemic, says Simon Horton, VP international sales at Sangoma, with remote and hybrid working a lasting legacy of Covid. However, if companies of all sizes are to achieve truly connected workspaces and digitally transform their ways of working

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IoT security should be a competitive differentiator

Trust is a fundamental part of the home. We trust our walls to stand up straight, our floors to hold solid, our ovens to work, our toilets to flush and our doors to keep intruders out. We don’t often consider the same standards for our home technology, says Mike Nelson, VP of IoT security, DigiCert.

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Zoning systems in smart buildings – Part II

In part 1 of this article, we looked at how heating ventilation and cooling (HVAC) systems can be controlled in smart buildings, and the role of zoning systems in improving efficiency and comfort. Now, let’s take a look at how this zoning can be implemented in practice, and the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in

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Zoning systems in smart buildings – Part I

Working in an office can be fun, sociable and productive. But if the temperature isn’t right, it can make work uncomfortable, and is likely to lead to lower outputs and higher absenteeism. It’s a familiar feeling for most of us you’re always too hot or too cold, regardless of the season. Traditional heating ventilation and

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The need for speed: Embracing the potential of edge computing

Digital infrastructure plays a critical role in nearly every aspect of how we live and work. Due to the pandemic, more people are working remotely than ever before. Add to this the increasing amounts of applications being migrated to the cloud, and data generation exploding through the adoption of IoT, more pressure has now been

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How the demands of constrained IoT are reshaping the connectivity landscape

The IoT technology landscape is increasingly being defined by its ability to address large numbers of devices in increasingly inhospitable environments by virtue of slimming down the features and functionality of the offering to make it more appropriate. Last year, we at Transforma Insights published a report on what we termed the ‘Thin IoT stack’.

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