Connected Cars Drive M2M Innovation

The European Commission’s recent news that its vehicles will be equipped with emergency calling technology by October 2015 is an exciting jumping off point for the automotive industry, which is quickly ramping up its adoption of M2M technology and innovation.

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M2M Now Magazine July 2013 Edition

M2M Now magazine explores the evolving opportunities and challenges facing CSPs across this sector. Our exclusive interviews pass on some key lessons learned by those who have taken the first steps in next gen Machine to Machine (M2M) services. In the latest issue: TALKING HEADS: Tier Ones embrace One Stop Shops to boost customer experience, says Telit’s Hierl

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mHealth monitoring offers US$36 billion global healthcare cost savings opportunity by 2018

Basingstoke, UK – Juniper Research’s latest report on the mHealth market forecasts cumulative cost savings from remote patient monitoring of up to US$36 billion globally over the next five years – under Juniper’s most optimistic forecast scenario.

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M2M Contract Hot List – July 2013

Contract Hot List – July 2013

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Connected fridge? What does M2M really mean for operators?

(BLOG): June 22, 2013 — There can be few ideas over the years which have promised as much and delivered as little as the connected fridge, says Chris Marrison (pictured) of Infoblox. A staple of future-gazing science programmes for decades, the connected fridge monitors its contents and alerts its owners when items need to be

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Telco Exec – The unique and personal job finding service only for Telecoms professionals

Telco Exec – The unique and personal job finding service only for Telecoms professionals

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Top M2M Trends and Considerations

Top M2M Trends and Considerations

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Aeris, lowering the M2M barriers

Aeris, lowering the M2M barriers

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Continua developer tools now available in open health tools project and on Continua website

Beaverton, Orlando, USA – Continua Health Alliance has announced the publication of four primary components on Open Health Tools, the Open Source clearing house for health IT projects.

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JDSU Mobility – take control of the Mobile App explosion.

JDSU Mobility – take control of the Mobile App explosion.

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What is the industrial internet?

(VIDEO INTERVIEW): Oozi Cats, CEO of Telit Wireless Solutions, and Jeremy Cowan, editor of M2M Now, discuss the future direction of the M2M market.

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Talking Heads: Enterprises get ready for the Internet of Things (IoT) with Wyless Connect primary back-up

Readers will be familiar with Wyless but may not know its subsidiary Wyless Connect. M2M Now’s editor, Jeremy Cowan asked Bennett Alpert about its work in digital signage, telemedicine and the Internet of Things.

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'M2M Hackathon' winners take home $10,000 after 24 hours of extreme implementation

Axeda Connexion, Boston, MA, USA. May 8, 2013 –  The winners of the M2M Hackathon at the Axeda Connexion 2013 event have been announced by the organisers.

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M2M Now Magazine May 2013 Edition

M2M Now magazine explores the evolving opportunities and challenges facing CSPs across this sector. Our exclusive interviews pass on some key lessons learned by those who have taken the first steps in next gen Machine to Machine (M2M) services. In the latest issue: TALKING HEADS: Enterprises get ready for Internet of Things with secure back-up, says Wyless’s

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Kaga teams with u-blox to launch HSPA M2M card in Japan

Compact U130-KG card gives machines high-speed 3G data and voice connectivity Founded in 1968, Tokyo-headquartered Kaga Electronics has integrated u-blox’ high-speed UMTS modem technology into their U130-KG wireless 3G air-interface card. The card is designed for machines, PoS terminals, meters, signage and security systems used throughout Japan. The card is certified by Softbank Mobile, one

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Top level smart energy experts from leading utilities in CEE to gather in Prague on 14-15 May

Smart Utilities Central and Eastern Europe 2013, taking place on 14-15 May in Prague, Czech Republic, delivers detailed insight into a multitude of exciting projects currently taking place. These case studies will share information on modes of operation, innovation, practices deployed and key lessons learnt.

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