Diversity and sensitivity – the business of antenna design, from Taoglas perspective

If there’s one often overused – and sometimes abused – word that sums up the last few decades of human history then it’s diversity. Advances in transport and communications technologies have brought widely different people, places, ideas and cultures into close proximity with one another. Moves from mass manufacturing to just-in-time techniques have also driven

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Securing the IoT – the Gemalto strategies

Robin Duke-Woolley of Beecham Research speak to Gemalto about the technologies driving the IoT at the moment, securing from edge to core by clever design and how to take care of business prosperity whilst delivering all of the above.

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How healthcare clients are utilising wearables to track patient health information

Wearable technology has been around for a long time. When pedometers, which date back to Leonardo da Vinci, were combined with smartphone applications, the wearable movement saw its first glimpse of success in the fitness and wellness sectors.

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What is the u-blox offering for the Internet of Things?

Nic Papadopoulus, President of ublox’s US operation introduces the company’s latest IoT product set and the markets it is focusing on for the coming year.

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Assuring quality of service in M2M and IoT connectivity

Despite being a key building block of any wider machine-to-machine solution, there are important differences between M2M connectivity services and traditional mobile services that need careful consideration as these, by definition, can’t provide human feedback. On top of this, many M2M users need global connectivity, which in turn involves international roaming partners.

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Smart cities, eHealth and automotive are the focus for Comarch’s IoT platform and tools

One of the well-rehearsed challenges about smart cities is that this is not a single application. Where most IoT deployments draw on the skills of one industry, smart cities must connect and integrate diverse business groups. For that you need particular platform and integration skills.

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Platforms – simplifying the infinitely complex

It’s all too easy for a rapidly emerging technology sector to get caught up in its own particular world. As companies rush to establish their place in what was once just a blank space on the map, aggressively promoting their own particular visions and product strategies, potential customers can become confused by a blizzard of

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M2M Now Magazine September / October 2015 edition

M2M Now Magazine explores the evolving opportunities and challenges facing CSPs across this sector. Our exclusive interviews pass on the key lessons learned by industry leaders in next gen Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) services.

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LTE – the challenges and the opportunities

LTE presents both a challenge as well as a huge opportunity for both IoT companies and their customers. New standards continue to emerge, some specifically focused on supporting M2M applications, while debate over spectrum availability and allocations continues in many countries.

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Service-centric network optimisation

Economies of scale and greater technology choices present Internet of Things (IoT) service providers with more options to ensure quality of service and optimise their IoT networks, writes George Malim.

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Platforms for profitable partnering: The perspective from Stream

Amongst the noise and bustle of the recent CTIA show in Las Vegas, Robin Duke-Woolley, CEO of Beecham Research, sat down with Stream Technologies CTO Alan Tait and CMO Lawrence Latham to get an update on how one of the pioneers of the IoT is now supporting a fast changing and ever more multifaceted marketplace.

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Connectivity analytics: More valuable than application analytics?

To say that application or sensor data analytics is a key focus right now in the M2M/IoT market is a statement of the obvious. Everyone, it seems, is focused on the value that can be created by gathering enormous amounts of application and sensor-related data.

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Bringing the power of real-time analytics out to the edge – and sorting out the centre

One industry phrase prevalent at the end of the last century described the telecommunications explosion as creating a ‘network of networks’.

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Assuring quality of service in M2M and IoT connectivity

Despite being a key building block of any wider machine-to-machine solution, there are important differences between M2M connectivity services and traditional mobile services that need careful consideration as these, by definition, can’t provide human feedback. On top of this, many M2M users need global connectivity, which in turn involves international roaming partners.

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Heterogeneous is the new Black

How companies can leverage multi-network connectivity for their devices

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3GPP’s new NB-IOT standard adds much needed choice to M2M landscape

Last week saw one of the year 2015’s most far-reaching developments in M2M connectivity, as 3GPP’s plenary meeting in Phoenix, Arizona reached a decision on the standardization of a new “NarrowBand IoT” (NB-IOT) technology. It means that there is now a common standard for rolling out and operating cellular-based Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks,

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