Encouraging partners to harness the IoT in earnest

Charles Kriete, Chief Revenue Officer, Wyless discusses: – Is security really a major inhibitor in the uptake of IoT? – How Wyless is answering the costs in downtime for a business – Where is Wyless heading with SaaS?

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Six ways NFC is transforming healthcare

Of the many industries using Near Field Communication (NFC) to add convenience, increase efficiency, and automate processes, healthcare is gaining ground. In a recent report, issued by technology analysts Transparency Market Research (TMR), healthcare is one of the fastest growing segments for NFC, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.4%.

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Stream Technologies evolves IoT-X for LPWA subscription management

It seems a widely-held opinion that Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks – and in particular LoRa – look set to take the IoT world by storm. This could be just as well, given the predicted huge number of IoT sensors and devices that will be connected over the next few years and the resulting ‘data tsunami’.

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IoT Contract Hot List – September/October 2015

We take a look at who is winning what M2M and IoT business, with whom and where.

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Unlocking the full potential of IoT through quality assurance

Achieving the kind of digital transformation required to implement a successful IoT initiative requires changes that must span the closely intertwined areas of strategy, processes and technology, breaking down traditional organisational and technical silos. Companies should closely examine every relevant area of their own business processes and commit to an ongoing plan of continuous improvement

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Security in remote healthcare

How to protect the patient’s data and identity in an increasingly digital world. Best practice advice from the Personal Connected Healthcare Alliance.

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Shifting our IoT perspective: what’s Maslow got to do with the IoT?

Now is an exciting time to be in the Internet of Things (IoT) space with innovation and growth abounding. Unfortunately, this has led to confusing messages for the average consumer. Technology seems to lead to discussions around the IoT and, while techies rejoice, real consumers seem confused. As an industry – with a few notable

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The role of wearable technologies in enterprises

The recent news that the seven millionth Apple Watch has been sold raises critical questions for the smart watch community – and the wearable consumer device community more generally, writes Saverio Romeo, principal analyst at Beecham Research. Apple has shown once again that taking a multidisciplinary view of consumer products is key to transforming a

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Antennas – squeezing the maximum value out of your spectrum

So you want to design and deploy networks of wireless IoT devices? Sounds simple in theory; you just connect them to the network. But what network, and how? By their very nature, IoT devices are small, have low power capabilities, and will most likely be sited in the most challenging environments for radio propagation, writes

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The role of the IoT in the future of the emergency services

Many Smart City projects going on around the world at present also have a corresponding ‘Safe City’ angle to them and, given the budgetary pressures that many emergency service providers are under at present, there are important roles that the IoT – and the data that it produces – have to play in improving both

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Welcome back, we’ve changed a bit. How about you?

You turn your back for a few hours and look what happens! The things you’ve come to rely on – like M2M Now – change. Welcome to IoT Now.

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The role of academia in IoT security – a rear view mirror into the future?

When it comes to the security of the IoT, it makes sense to look for allies and, just as Bletchley Park did during WW2 to crack the Enigma code, where better to go than academia, writes IoT Now’s editor, Alun Lewis. Cooperation between industry and academia might not always go smoothly, but when it does,

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IoT Now Magazine December 2015 edition

IoT Now Magazine (ISSN 2397-2807) explores the evolving opportunities and challenges facing CSPs across this sector. Our exclusive interviews pass on the key lessons learned by industry leaders in next gen Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) services.

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Growing out the ‘smart bubbles’ of LPWA connectivity

Any observer of the relationships between business and technology over the years will recognise those slightly awkward periods between the first emergence of a new technological concept and its eventual acceptance as a part of everyday life.

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LPWA – broadening the spectrum of choice

The technology behind the IoT, despite the inevitable hype, still needs a lot of development work done before our experience becomes truly immersive and ubiquitous. The hype, however, is largely being generated by the ‘look at all the wonderful things we can do with our clever sensors’ camp who seem to be ignoring the fact

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LTE-M – clarity on the path ahead

Freedom of choice is a wonderful thing – until you have to make a critical decision that’s going to affect your life – or your business – for years to come. Until recently, the range of wide area connectivity technologies for M2M and IoT applications was largely limited to cellular, satellite and WiFi. The last

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