M2M Now Magazine explores the evolving opportunities and challenges facing CSPs across this sector. Our exclusive interviews pass on some key lessons learned by those who have taken the first steps in next gen Machine-to-Machine (M2M) services.
In the latest issue:
- TALKING HEADS: How do you deliver ‘freedom’ in the Internet of Things? Dan McDuffie, Wyless CEO, talks to M2M Now
- AUTOMOTIVE M2M: The 4G-enabled car is the next hot ‘consumer device’
- CONNECTED HOMES: Smart connected homes are driving IoT. So says Antony Savvas, after canvassing the market
- EUW 2014 SUPPLEMENT: M2M Now’s unrivalled 12-page Supplement to European Utility Week 2014 in Amsterdam
- M2M NOW INSIGHT REPORT: In the latest of our ongoing series of specially commissioned, independent, analyst-written Insight Reports, Dr Therese Cory of Beecham Research examines The Benefits and Challenges of Making Utilities Smart
Please note! The Special Smart Utilities Analyst Report is not included in the digital magazine below. To read it please go to this page and register:
M2M Now Insight Reports
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Smart meters: Gift Horse or Trojan Horse?
Of all the domestic applications for M2M (machine-to-machine) communications proposed over the years few have generated as much business optimism as smart utilities. But what do we really mean by smart utilities; are smart meters just the opening salvo in a global campaign to create smart homes? And who are the main beneficiaries; domestic energy consumers, business users, the utilities, the M2M industry (of which most consumers are only dimly aware), or all of the above?
If providers of smart utility services are to win over the vocal sceptics they need to declare their intentions, tell users what the upsides and downsides are, the scope of their plans, and they need to confront conspiracy theorists who see smart meters as a Trojan Horse giving ‘Big Business’ a spy in the home. As independent analysts Beecham Research say in M2M Now’s latest specially commissioned Insight Report “smart metering is a means of achieving a more green and effective energy system” and the EU aims to have 80% of Europe’s energy consumers so equipped by 2020. To achieve this the industry will have to overcome consumer reluctance from those who fail to see the benefits of metering, and outright resistance from those who suspect the industry’s motives. If handled right, this is an unparalleled opportunity for utilities to build positive relationships with their customers. The alternative will benefit no-one.
A special bound-in supplement previewing the upcoming European Utility Week event in Amsterdam starts on page 33. M2M Now will be there and, based on past experience, we recommend you join us if you have an interest in connected homes and smarter utilities. Meanwhile, don’t miss our articles on Automotive M2M (page 54), the Glass Boardroom (page 57), and our Review of M2M in the Nordic countries. We hope you enjoy the magazine.