The news is out! We are excited to reveal a few new faces to the 2023 judging panel and are honoured to welcome back judges from the previous two years.
This independent panel of experts from Tier 1 companies and industry bodies worldwide bring their expertise, enthusiasm, and enterprising minds to assessing a growing number of entries every year.
The Judges of the 2023 IoT Global Awards are…
MAGNUS MELANDER, Co-founder & Evangelist at THINGS, Deeptech Advisor at Deep Tech Alliance
AVNEESH PRAKASH, Vice President Mobility and MOVE at Tata Communications
BJÖRN HANSEN, Head of Commercial of Division X at Telia Company.
KEN FIGUEREDO, Founder at More-with-Mobile
JEREMY COWAN, Editorial Director & Publisher, IoT Now & VanillaPlus
PAUL WILSON, Chief business officer, Connected Places Catapult
BARBARA PAREGLIO, Executive Director Advance Air Mobility & IoT Technical Director, GSMA
HELENA LISACHUK, IoT Global Lead, Management Consulting at Deloitte
MATT HATTON, Founding Partner, Transforma Insights.
DAMION ROSE, Senior Product Manager, BICS.
ALI NICHOLL, Founding Team & Engagement, IOTICS
The IoT Global Awards are still open for entries. There are 11 industry categories to enter which encompass every sector touched by the Internet of Things. The awards kick off with an Early Bird Special Entry Price of £175 per category. There is no limit to how many categories you can enter.
The awards programme is a global event, open to organisations of any size from anywhere in the world.
To enter and for all further information go to
Contact the IoT Global Awards organisers
WeKnow Media Ltd., Suite 138, 80 Churchill Square, Kings Hill, Kent, ME19 4YU, UK.
Email: contact@supportiotglobalawards-com