The pressure increases every year on design teams to get to market faster the wirelessly connected products in their development pipeline. Their companies are looking to outpace their competitors, which in turn is forcing design processes to be shorter and shorter while delivering more features, more security, more everything.
Those overwhelming pressures often make it impractical to employ a from-scratch, chip-down engineering strategy for entire projects, which is too slow, too costly, and too risky.
By using a System-on-Module (SOM) design strategy, product design timelines can be cut in significant ways. It also enables design teams to quickly add functionality to products while delivering higher security that is so critical to markets such as healthcare, finance, industrial and enterprise computing.
This white paper provides details about the Summit SOM 8M Plus and discusses how design teams can take advantage of its capabilities to develop wireless enabled products faster, easier and with more security.
Along the way, we’ll also share best practices and important design considerations that will help your engineering team be successful with your first SOM design projects.