IoT Now Magazine (ISSN 2397-2807) explores the evolving opportunities and challenges facing CSPs across this sector. Our exclusive interviews pass on the key lessons learned by industry leaders in next gen Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) services.
In February/March issue:
- TALKING HEADS: Stream Technologies’ Nigel Chadwick tells George Malim how the company’s IoT-X Platform is enabling the Super-(Virtual) Network Operator
- CONTAINERS: Peter Dykes explains why the use of containers in IoT offers advantages to organisations
- SMART CITY TRANSPORTATION: George Malim explores how smart transportation is clearing the path for smart cities
- IoT NOW INSIGHT REPORT – INDUSTRIAL IoT: In the latest of an ongoing series of specially-commissioned, independent, analyst-written Insight Reports, Emil Berthelsen, the principal analyst at Machina Research, explores how manufacturing performance can be optimised with industrial IoT
- INTERVIEW: Frank Ploumen, the chief technology officer for IoT platforms and applications at Nokia, tells George Malim that technology is no longer the greatest challenge facing the further development of IoT
- EVENT PREVIEW: IoT Now’s event preview, presenting the IoT-related highlights of this year’s Mobile World Congress
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